Writing Services
Blog Posts
Bylined Articles
Internal Emails
White Papers
External blog posts are the most unfiltered way for a company—and its executives—to communicate with their audience and customers. Consistent blog posts from a company’s leadership increase trust and build credibility while also breaking down barriers between ‘company’ and ‘customer’.
The most effective and efficient way to position an executive as a Thought Leader is by contributing bylined articles to industry and consumer publications. Self-publishing on Medium or LinkedIn also helps elevate an executive’s profile.
Many executives underestimate the impact of their internal communications to staff. Thoughtful, well-written correspondence can go a long way to increase trust and boost morale.
Ideas, tangible or not, are the most important commodity in today’s business world. And solid research and persuasiveness are a close second. Creating and publishing an informative, cohesive, and convincing white paper can be the difference between a big sale and a missed opportunity.
A speech that informs, engages, and entertains is quite the feat. But when it’s accomplished, you have an audience—and a customer—for life.
You know your business inside and out. The extensive knowledge you have could HELP people, but you just don't have enough hours in the day to write the book you know you should write. We will help you finally outline and compose your ever-elusive book.

Sample Packages
01: Thought Leadership
Position yourself as THE trusted leader and knowledgeable voice in your category. With our decades of writing experience at some of the country's most credible publications, we are uniquely positioned to help bolster and promote your distinctive vision and voice.
2 Long Form Pieces (Blog Posts, Bylined Articles, External Communication)
2 Medium Posts
5 Supporting Short Form Pieces (LinkedIn Posts, Social Media Posts)
1 Hour of Consultative Brainstorming
02: Improve Employee Morale
Nothing is more important in the year 2020 than clear and honest communication. And in the business world, it’s an absolute must. As an executive, you MUST be present and accessible to your team and employees.
Let us help you do it well.
2 Internal Communications (Emails, LinkedIn Posts, Speeches)
5 Supporting Short Form Pieces (LinkedIn Posts, Social Media Posts)
1 Hour of Consultative Brainstorming
03: Book Authorship
You know your business inside and out. The extensive knowledge you have could HELP people, but you just don't have enough hours in the day to write the book you know you should write. We will help you finally outline and compose your ever-elusive book.
250 Page Minimum
Six Month+ Contract
Full Copywriting + Copyediting
Bi-Weekly Meeting/Touch Base